How to address workplace misbehavior in the #MeToo age

Sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct have been front and center in the media for months now. Reports of film mogul Harvey Weinstein’s conduct, followed by reports of similar behavior from other famous and powerful men in entertainment, politics, sports and business, have sparked a new awareness and intolerance for conduct that crosses the line.

Meanwhile, the #MeToo movement has empowered victims to come forward and report misbehavior.

This has implications for employers.  Sexual harassment has been considered a form of illegal discrimination for several decades and employers have long been expected to take allegations seriously. But now there’s an even higher expectation that employers will actively address workplace sexual misconduct and proactively take steps to make it less likely to occur in the first place. Employers who fail to do so risk negative publicity, legal liability and the serious financial fallout that can follow.

So what can employers do? Here are some ways to get started:


Foster and maintain an inclusive culture

Though nothing can guarantee problems will never arise, employers that maintain a culture of mutual respect among workers are less likely to be vulnerable to sexual misconduct and other types of harassing or discriminatory conduct within their ranks. This means training your entire workforce. The best kind of training involves realistic situations that are relevant and specific to your work environment. Training also must be done frequently — once a year at the least — to stay fresh, engaging and relevant to the realities of a changing workplace. This sends a message that an inclusive, tolerant culture is important to the company.


Provide multiple channels for workers to report inappropriate behavior

One of the biggest obstacles to combating workplace misconduct is workers’ reluctance to report it, either because they fear retaliation or they are uncomfortable with the designated manager to whom they’re supposed to report. One way to combat this is by having multiple individuals designated as appropriate people for reporting incidents of harassment. This increases the odds that the employee will feel safe reporting misbehavior.


Investigate quickly and thoroughly

Employers get in trouble when they don’t follow up on complaints. This means it’s critical for the employer to promptly and comprehensively investigate any situation that comes to its attention. Doing so will minimize the risk of an unacceptable situation continuing to fester without the company’s knowledge. It will also minimize the risk that company acts too soon to discipline or fire the alleged perpetrator without having all the facts, which can also subject the company to legal consequences. It goes without saying that anyone involved in conducting an investigation must be thoroughly trained and the investigation must be confidential.